The COM Pod: an unfiltered look at life at Idaho's first medical school
The COM Pod is the official podcast of the Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine (ICOM). From technology tips to advice for prospective medical students and everything in between, The COM Pod offers a behind-the-scenes look at life at Idaho's first medical school as told by its students, faculty and staff.
The COM Pod: an unfiltered look at life at Idaho's first medical school
ICOM's Response to COVID-19
Classes have resumed at ICOM with a hybrid of virtual and in-person learning. Hosts Brian, Stephanie and Dennis chat with ICOM Dean and Chief Academic Officer, Dr. Thomas Mohr, and ICOM Director of Facilities, Chris Wilson, about safety precautions and procedures amid the COVID-19 pandemic.
Have a question or topic suggestion for The COM Pod?
Connect with us on social media:
- Facebook: Facebook.com/idahoDOcom
- Instagram: @idahocom
- Twitter: @idahocom
- Email: podcast@idahocom.org